Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon shared the details of the first major patch for role -playing game

The AWAKEN Realms Digital studio has published information about what to expect in the foreseeable future for role -playing play in the early access to Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon.

First, the studio thanked for participating in the early access and the reviews that they read all, and make appropriate adjustments to the plans for the future.

Further, the developers shared information about the first major patch, which should be released over the next 3-4 months and will remove your preservations. This patch will be aimed at updating and improving the gameplay.

The main areas on which the authors are focused are:

Technical questions:

  • Further work on the performance of the game
  • Correction of all (or at least 95%) errors and unresolved problems (such as non -working quests and t.D.)


  • Improvement of AI/Enemy behavior.
  • Improving the general battle (more enemy behavior as opposed to the behavior of the player)
  • Significant balancing and changes in various numbers, skills and economics of the game
  • More possible game styles (characters with a cloak and dagger, etc.D.)

New opportunities:

  • Enemies patrolling the open world
  • Theft
  • The system of reputation of fractions (quests, so that you are not overloaded with available quests in places such as horns).

The quality of life:

  • Numerous new markers of the cards and conditions of these markers
  • Improved indication of active statuses (and what they do)

General polishing:

  • More special animations and VFX
  • More music and improved sound quality
  • Improvements associated with art and gameplay

Additions related to the plot:

  • Work and completion of the quest in the Lake of Blood
  • Improving the ending of the first chapter (the ability to talk with one of the most important NPCs and other corrections where it is necessary 🙂

Possible additions (if everything goes well):

  • Horseback riding
  • Planting agricultural crops and fishing
  • Housing for players

The creators also said that they update old basic models, for example, such as general enemies of undead. They will also change models for drowneders (and add new behavior models for them, which will be described later), and they will receive the corresponding weapon.

Finally, the developers said that they would continue to work on the completion of the entire plot, but the exact number of side content, the maps of the map and side tasks are still in the development process.

We do not want to promise anything – so far we are not sure that we are moving in the right direction – but we have several exciting plans for the future, and we are not tolerant of sharing them with you. However, we ask you to show patience, because we are not yet sure when and how we will share with you new content/zones. In one you can be 100% sure – with your support (thank you!), Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon. We will attach tons of additional work during early access and create a game that we always dreamed about.

At the end, the creators hinted, "relatively without spoilers", which should be clear to fans of the board game. Like you can meet "A couple of familiar characters who should be well acquainted with kuanan. And even during our adventures, the opportunity should be able to get to know the Forlorn swords!"

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