Phil Spencer told some details about the game Kojima Productions for Xbox

The head of the XBOX division of Microsoft Phil Spencer in an interview with Game Watch spoke about the cooperation between Xbox and Kojima Productions, which is headed by the famous creator of Hideo Kojima Games.

In an interview, Phil Spencer expressed his excitement about the project and mentioned that next week he plans to visit the Kojima Production Studio to personally meet with Hideo Kojima. At the same time, he shared his disappointment about the fact that nothing is heard about the new project of Kodzima. However, Spencer is convinced that work on the project is in full swing.

In addition, Spencer especially focused on how important it is to give Kojima the freedom of creativity, since he believes that the Japanese author strives for innovation and is ready to work in those areas that at first may not attract special attention.

Actually, I plan to visit the studio and meet with Mr. Kodzima next week. I look forward to discussing the work on the project with him. While I think that work on the project is going well. However, Kojima is the creator of innovative games, and in this project he tries something new. I believe that it is necessary to give him the time necessary for the implementation of his plan, even if it means work in areas that are not in the spotlight. I believe that we should not put pressure on him so that he will go on stage, but should provide him with enough time for this.

The Xbox and Kojima Productions partnership have become the subject of numerous speculations and expectations among games fans, many are looking forward to what game will appear as a result of this cooperation. Although Phil does not disclose the details of the project, from his words it follows that they intend to give Hideo Kojima the opportunity to realize his unique creative vision.

While we are waiting for more detailed information about the game created together with Kojima Productions, fans continue to guess about what unique experience of Kojima and his team are preparing for gamers. Given the fact that the visit of Spencer to the studio is no longer far off, getting new interesting details about this long -awaited project can only be a matter of time.

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